Search for tag: "folks"
Panel: Navigating Public Transportation: Partnerships for Access, Mobility Matters 2024Panel Speakers: Eileen Collins-Turvy, Director of Accessible Transportation Programs, TriMet Patricia Kepler, Accessibility Specialist, Portland Community College Michael Corrente, Senior Project…
From Lillian Orrey
8 plays
Panel: Navigating AI as a Tool for Exploration and Inclusion, Mobility Matters 2024Panel Speakers: Ariana Aboulafia - Policy Counsel, Disability Rights in Technology Policy Tom Pey - Founder and CEO of Waymap Kyle Sisk - CTO of the Described and Captioned Media Program (DCMP) Dr.…
From Lillian Orrey
3 plays
Welcome to Mobility Matters 2024Welcome from Dr. Amy Parker and Dr. Amanda Sugimoto of Portland State University. Presenting event sponsors, and introduction of talks and the 2024 theme, 'Navigating Knowledge: Pathways to…
From Lillian Orrey
10 plays
Who Belongs in College? A U.S. History of Dis/Ability, Access, & Advocacy: Part IIWho belongs in college? Who doesn’t? Where do these beliefs come from? In Part II of this three-part participatory workshop, we will take a comprehensive look back at the history of dis/ability…
From Michael Millard
4 plays
A Community Engagement Toolkit for Your Students from 5/5/2023What do PSU students need to know to prepare for their community-based learning experiences? Come to this demonstration workshop to learn about a new toolkit resource that you can use to support PSU…
From Michael Millard
7 plays
Climate Action in (and outside of) the ClassroomHow is PSU connected with international climate change response efforts? How might your class or program become involved? This hybrid workshop focused on the United Nations' climate conference…
From Michael Millard
10 plays
Higher Education in Prison: Strategies for LiberationWhat kinds of educational opportunities are available to students inside Oregon's prisons? Which curricular strategies is PSU instructors using inside? Zoom in with us to learn &…
From Sophie Soprani
13 plays
Week 16- Race and Gender in the Legal Field Part IIZoom Recording ID: 88663025644 UUID: EfpZ/DoFRxuZOlx9jfmceg== Meeting Time: 2022-05-06T16:46:52Z
From Hannah Taube
5 plays
Week 15- Race & Gender in the Law Part 1Zoom Recording ID: 88663025644 UUID: 9r4JZiUMSVu4QsqoQIAynA== Meeting Time: 2022-04-29T16:31:09Z
From Hannah Taube
4 plays
Week 11- Making a Living as a LawyerZoom Recording ID: 88663025644 UUID: Db37GsuNSsSA1C/YIMSyYQ== Meeting Time: 2022-04-01T16:26:58Z
From Hannah Taube
6 plays
Zoom Into 2022: What's New With Zoom?Hosted by: Emily Connelly, Instructional Multimedia Coordinator Noticing some new updates in Zoom and want the 411 on what it all means? Join us as we share the big updates to Zoom and our favorite…
From Casey Starbuck
5 plays
Canvas x UDL: Strategies for In-Person LearningFacilitator: Megan McFarland Join us in delving deeper into UDL strategies specifically geared towards in-person learning. Participants will discuss how to use Canvas before, during, and after…
From Casey Starbuck
10 plays