Search for tag: "stuff"

Final Reflections with Dr. Judy Dixon, Mobility Matters 2024

From  Lillian Orrey 1 plays 0  

Podcast - Interview with Dr. Judy Dixon, 11/5/23

Interview with Dr Judith Dixon, conducted by LIBROS scholar Kira Swearingen

From  Lillian Orrey 22 plays 0  

Mediaspace 101: Welcome to Mediaspace recorded on April 6, 2023.

If you struggle with recordings or haven't used MediaSpace yet, this series of webinars is for you! This four-part drop-in series will include a tour of MediaSpace and how to record, upload,…

From  Michael Millard 7 plays 0  

10 February 2023 David Percy

Systems Science Friday Noon Seminar February 10 2023

From  Wayne Wakeland 2 plays 0  

03Feb2023 Terry Bristol

Systems Science Friday Noon Seminar, 02/03/23

From  Wayne Wakeland 6 plays 0  

4 March 2022 Brian Castellani

Systems Science Noon Seminar 3/4/2022

From  Wayne Wakeland 8 plays 0  

Getting to Know Canvas: Quizzes

Hosted by: Mark Terui, Instructional Designer This session will cover the basics of creating a quiz in Canvas. It will also cover how to check and modify a quiz that was originally created in D2L and…

From  Casey Starbuck 29 plays 0  

Getting to Know Canvas: Creating Student Activities

Hosted by: Mark Terui, Instructional Designer This session will help you learn how to create activities for your students where they can submit their work, take quizzes/exams, and/or participate in…

From  Casey Starbuck 13 plays 0  

Getting to Know Canvas: Introduction to Groups

Hosted by: Mark Terui, Instructional Designer As you prepare for the change to Canvas in Winter 2022, this session is to help you start configuring groups for your students to collaborate together in…

From  Casey Starbuck 31 plays 0  

Getting to Know Canvas: Advanced Grading & Rubrics

Hosted by: Mark Terui, Instructional Designer As you prepare for the change to Canvas in Winter 2022, this session is to help you with the advanced grading features involving weighted grading and…

From  Casey Starbuck 24 plays 0  

Promoting Growth Mindset through Formative Assessment

Facilator: Jaime Wood The assessments we give our students' to help measure their learning can have a significant impact on their attitudes about school, our disciplines, and their own ability…

From  Casey Starbuck 9 plays 0  

Oct 8, 2021 Terry Bristol

Systems Science Noon Seminar 10/8/21

From  Wayne Wakeland 13 plays 0  

Teaching with Multimedia: Welcome to MediaSpace

Hosted by: Emily Connelly, Instructional Multimedia CoordinatorDid you know Portland State has a media portal? Mediaspace is like a FERPA/intellectual-property-friendly version of Youtube available…

From  Casey Starbuck 11 plays 0  

Zoom Into Spring: Engage & Collaborate

Hosted by: Emily Connelly, Instructional Multimedia Coordinator Kick your pedagogy up a notch with tools designed to encourage collaboration and interaction! Today we will look at features like…

From  Casey Starbuck 8 plays 0  


From  Abigail Watson 17 plays 0  

Promoting Growth Mindset through Formative Assessment

Hosted by: Jaime Wood, Program Manager for Educational InitiativesThe assessments we give our students to help measure their learning can have a significant impact on their attitudes about school,…

From  Casey Starbuck 15 plays