Search for tag: "assessments"
Promoting Growth Mindset through Formative AssessmentFacilator: Jaime Wood The assessments we give our students' to help measure their learning can have a significant impact on their attitudes about school, our disciplines, and their own ability…
From Casey Starbuck
10 plays
Using Trauma-Informed Assessment Practices to Support Adult Learners with Maika YeighFacilitator: Maika Yeigh, Associate Professor of Education Assessment practices can bring students into the learning or push students out of our courses. In this workshop, teaching faculty will…
From Casey Starbuck
63 plays
SPED 542 Webinar #2Zoom Recording ID: 85044312012 UUID: 5IXNbhf3Tw24/FdXTSa6RQ== Meeting Time: 2021-04-14T02:12:20Z
From Holly Lawson
13 plays