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ETL LSAT Overview SessionZoom Recording ID: 88663025644 UUID: kAFvRkH9TKORkX8dMPzU3Q== Meeting Time: 2022-03-30T19:50:11Z
From Hannah Taube
4 plays
Getting to Know Canvas: Introduction to GroupsHosted by: Mark Terui, Instructional Designer As you prepare for the change to Canvas in Winter 2022, this session is to help you start configuring groups for your students to collaborate together in…
From Casey Starbuck
31 plays
Using Trauma-Informed Assessment Practices to Support Adult Learners with Maika YeighFacilitator: Maika Yeigh, Associate Professor of Education Assessment practices can bring students into the learning or push students out of our courses. In this workshop, teaching faculty will…
From Casey Starbuck
62 plays
7.3c - False MemoriesUnit 7 (Applications) Lesson 3 (Psychology & Law 2) Part C (False Memories)
From Tessa Dover
70 plays
7.2d - Lie Detection: The PolygraphUnit 7 (Applications) Lesson 2 (Psychology and Law 1) Part D (Lie Detection: The Polygraph)
From Tessa Dover
107 plays
Using the C.R.A.P. Test to Evaluate WebsitesThis video explains the C.R.A.P. test and then uses it to evaluate three websites on the topic of performance enhancing drugs in sports.
From Teresa Stapelberg
357 plays
The C.R.A.P. Test in action: ArticlesThis video shows demonstrates how to use the C.R.A.P Test to evaluate newspaper articles.
From Teresa Stapelberg
104 plays