Hosted by: Emily Connelly, Instructional Multimedia Coordinator Noticing some new updates in Zoom and want the 411 on what it all means? Join us as we share the big updates to Zoom and our favorite…
Facilitators: RT Tougas Participants will receive a list of course design strategies that increase equity by directly reducing the need for many Disability Resource Center accommodations. This…
Facilitator: Dr. Óscar Fernández Feeling tokenized by periodically writing diversity statements for scholarship and job applications? This hands-on writing workshop centers on…
Hosted by: Jaime Wood, Program Manager for Educational Initiatives“Culturally sustaining pedagogy seeks to perpetuate and foster—to sustain—linguistic, literate, and cultural…
Hosted by: Emily Connelly, Instructional Multimedia Coordinator Kick your pedagogy up a notch with tools designed to encourage collaboration and interaction! Today we will look at features like…
Hosted by: Emily Connelly, Instructional Multimedia Coordinator They’re fun, they’re frustrating - join us for an hour where we tour breakout rooms, best practices and troubleshooting for…