If you struggle with recordings or haven't used MediaSpace yet, this series of webinars is for you! This four-part drop-in series will include a tour of MediaSpace and how to record, upload,…
Facilitator: Megan McFarland Join us in delving deeper into UDL strategies specifically geared towards in-person learning. Participants will discuss how to use Canvas before, during, and after…
Zoom Recording ID: 86816088106
UUID: fDlTm4+qRMqsI/zLGEdzpg==
Meeting Time: 2021-05-12T00:20:08Z
Hosted by: Emily Connelly, Instructional Multimedia Coordinator In this workshop you will be guided through using tools in Mediaspace like Kaltura Capture and Timeline to create basic videos with…
Hosted by: Emily Connelly, Instructional Multimedia CoordinatorDid you know Portland State has a media portal? Mediaspace is like a FERPA/intellectual-property-friendly version of Youtube available…
Hosted by: Emily Connelly, Instructional Multimedia Coordinator They’re fun, they’re frustrating - join us for an hour where we tour breakout rooms, best practices and troubleshooting for…