Search for tag: "equity"

Open Education Week at PSU 2022: Open Legislation in Oregon with Guest Speaker Amy Hofer

Guest Speaker: Amy Hofer Join Open Oregon Educational Resources’ Director, Amy Hofer, to learn about Oregon's legislation around Open Education and how these laws affect teaching and…

+22 More
From  Casey Starbuck 10 plays 0  

Exploring the Dimensions of Equity in Teaching with Dr. Raiza Dottin and Dr. Janelle Voegele

Facilitators: Dr. Raiza Dottin and Dr. Janelle Voegele This 60-minute workshop will provide participants with information on four key areas (Multicultural Education, Culturally Responsive Teaching,…

+21 More
From  Casey Starbuck 16 plays 0  

Open Education Week: How does OER meet our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Goals?

Hosted by: Jaime Wood, Program Manager for Educational InitiativesHow does OER meet our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Goals?Eliminating textbook costs through the use of Open Educational Resources…

+20 More
From  Casey Starbuck 82 plays 0  

Considerations Toward an Equitable & Inclusive Curriculum

Hosted by: Jaime Wood, Program Manager for Educational Initiatives What makes a curriculum inclusive, and what processes can we use to examine our own syllabi, assignments, and assessments to ensure…

+27 More
From  Casey Starbuck 23 plays 0  

Lasana Hotep - The Silence of our Friends: The Anti-Racist Legacy of Martin Luther King, JR.

Please join Portland State University for our Living the Legacy series of virtual campus and community events honoring the legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. This Livestream was presented…

+19 More
From  Mark Walker 33 plays 0  

5.2e - Maintaining and Dissolving Relationships

Unit 5 (Close Relationships) Lesson 2 (Attraction & Intimate Relationships) Part E (Maintaining & Dissolving Relationships)

+31 More
From  Tessa Dover 78 plays 2  

4.1c - Social Theories of Prosocial Behavior

Unit 4 (Prosocial Behavior) Lesson 1 (Theories of Prosociality) Part C (Social Theories of Prosocial Behavior)

+19 More
From  Tessa Dover 251 plays 53  

PSU Equity Summit

PSU Equity Summit on October 30, 2020 This video is prepared for PSU's archival purposes to record the event. Please do not post this copy on social media systems without properly addressing,…

+19 More
From  Mark Walker 50 plays 0  

PHE 450_Lecture 1_720

+19 More
From  Lauralee Fernandez 2,407 plays 0