Hosted by: Mark Terui, Instructional Designer This session will cover the basics of creating a quiz in Canvas. It will also cover how to check and modify a quiz that was originally created in D2L and…
Hosted by: Mark Terui, Instructional Designer This session will help you learn how to create activities for your students where they can submit their work, take quizzes/exams, and/or participate in…
Zoom Recording ID: 88663025644
UUID: x9F7u64KQU2PQ1KzhuHvpg==
Meeting Time: 2022-01-07T17:40:14Z
Hosted by: Mark Terui, Instructional Designer As you prepare for the change to Canvas in Winter 2022, this session is to help you start configuring groups for your students to collaborate together in…
Hosted by: Mark Terui, Instructional Designer As you prepare for the change to Canvas in Winter 2022, this session is to help you with the advanced grading features involving weighted grading and…
Hosted by: Mark Terui, Instructional Designer As you prepare for the change to Canvas in Winter 2022, this session will help you learn how to create assignments for students for file submissions,…
Hosted by: Mark Terui, Instructional Designer As you prepare for the change to Canvas in Winter 2022, this session is to help you with the advanced grading features involving weighted grading and…
Hosted by: Mark Terui, Instructional Designer As you prepare for the change to Canvas in Winter 2022, this session is to help you start configuring groups for your students to collaborate together in…
Hosted by: Mark Terui, Instructional Designer As you prepare for the change to Canvas in Winter 2022, this session will cover the basics of creating a quiz in Canvas. It will also cover how to check…
Hosted by: Mark Terui, Instructional Designer As you prepare for the change to Canvas in Winter 2022, this session will help you learn how to create assignments for students for file submissions,…
Hosted by: Mark Terui, Instructional Designer As you prepare for the change to Canvas in Winter 2022, this session will help you learn how to create assignments for students for file submissions,…
Open Pedagogy is the practice of engaging students in content creation through "renewable assignments" so that their work lives on beyond the course and has an authentic audience. In this…
Hosted by: Jaime Wood, Program Manager for Educational Initiatives What makes a curriculum inclusive, and what processes can we use to examine our own syllabi, assignments, and assessments to ensure…