Hosted by: Mark Terui, Instructional Designer
As you prepare for the change to Canvas in Winter 2022, this session will help you learn how to create assignments for students for file submissions, quizzes, and/or discussions. It will also cover the basics of setting up a grade book in Canvas and how to make modifications to the grade book.
Mark received a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from Hawaii Pacific University and has an M.A. in Educational Technology from Pepperdine University. He has worked in a variety of IT technical support and training positions for nearly 25 years and has worked in higher education at several different colleges and universities since 1995. He has been an Adjunct Instructor for PCC since 2008 in the Computer Applications & Office Systems department, and teaches fully online and face-to-face classes every term. He prefers to focus on the application of technology and learning theories to teaching and is probably the person to contact when you're "just trying to get it to work".
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