Search for tag: "oairequest"
Working with Tribes -- Craig Shinn Module 2bThis is a Craig talk on tribes and working with tribes introduced to complement readings and the scavenger hunt exercise
From Craig Shinn
109 plays
Special Districts Mod 2aThis is a Craig talk on special districts aimed to excite interest in the sector and connect this particular kind of complexity to the challenges of governance in today's world.
From Craig Shinn
278 plays
Nebraska StoryThis is an example story of competition versus collaboration for module 5.
From Stephen Greenwood
65 plays
Chapter 4: Gender, Sex and CultureTitle: Chapter 4: Gender, Sex and Culture Summary: This video panel focuses on the question: How can we theorize, articulate, andproduce understanding on the social and cultural specificity of gender…
From Karen Bjork
473 plays