Who belongs in college? Who doesn’t? Where do these beliefs come from? In Part III of this three-part participatory workshop, we will take a comprehensive look back at the history of…
Who belongs in college? Who doesn’t? Where do these beliefs come from? In Part II of this three-part participatory workshop, we will take a comprehensive look back at the history of dis/ability…
Who belongs in college? Who doesn’t? Where do these beliefs come from? In Part I of this three-part participatory workshop, we will take a comprehensive look back at the history of dis/ability…
This is the greatest first impression of All Time
Merch https://moistglobal.com Comics https://badegg.co/ ---- Content creator moistcr1tikal explains to us how his first stream on Youtube went…
If you struggle with recordings or haven't used MediaSpace yet, this series of webinars is for you! This four-part drop-in series will include a tour of MediaSpace and how to record, upload,…
If you struggle with recordings or haven't used MediaSpace yet, this series of webinars is for you! This four-part drop-in series will include a tour of MediaSpace and how to record, upload,…
Facilitator: Megan McFarland Join us in delving deeper into UDL strategies specifically geared towards in-person learning. Participants will discuss how to use Canvas before, during, and after…
Facilitator: Megan McFarland Join us as we talk about the basic principles of UDL and how to apply them within Canvas. Participants will also have the opportunity for guided practice during the…
Hosted by: Mark Terui, Instructional Designer As you prepare for the change to Canvas in Winter 2022, this session is to help you start configuring your Canvas course home page and also how to get a…
Zoom Recording ID: 86816088106
UUID: fDlTm4+qRMqsI/zLGEdzpg==
Meeting Time: 2021-05-12T00:20:08Z
Hosted by: Jaime Wood, Program Manager for Educational InitiativesHow does OER meet our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Goals?Eliminating textbook costs through the use of Open Educational Resources…
This video for Portland State University faculty explains how to find persistent and proxied links to PSU Library content that can be embedded in your online course.