Search for tag: "textbook"

Open Education Week at PSU 2022: Open Legislation in Oregon with Guest Speaker Amy Hofer

Guest Speaker: Amy Hofer Join Open Oregon Educational Resources’ Director, Amy Hofer, to learn about Oregon's legislation around Open Education and how these laws affect teaching and…

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From  Casey Starbuck 10 plays 0  

SW 341 Week 1 - Video 1: Philosophies of Social Justice & Social Work Ethics

Zoom Recording ID: 81155741355 UUID: RpYds4GmQFi1eM535BsmoA== Meeting Time: 2021-03-22T00:36:34Z

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From  Mitra Naseh 104 plays 0  

Open Education Week: Open Pedagogy and Student Content Creation

Open Pedagogy is the practice of engaging students in content creation through "renewable assignments" so that their work lives on beyond the course and has an authentic audience. In this…

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From  Casey Starbuck 31 plays 0  

Open Ed Week Keynote Address: Achieving a Socially Just Open Education during the COVID-19 Era

Jasmine Roberts is a renowned Open Education leader and professor of communications at The Ohio State University. She advocates for education ecosystems that are accessible, affordable, equitable,…

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From  Casey Starbuck 15 plays 0  

Open Education Week: How does OER meet our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Goals?

Hosted by: Jaime Wood, Program Manager for Educational InitiativesHow does OER meet our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Goals?Eliminating textbook costs through the use of Open Educational Resources…

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From  Casey Starbuck 82 plays 0  

6.1b - Deindividuation

Unit 6 (Groups) Lesson 1 (Intragroup Phenomena) Part B (Deindividuation)

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From  Tessa Dover 104 plays 1  

Welcome to Jumpstart Your Career Part Two

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From  Becky Sanchez 102 plays 0  

Welcome Video - Jumpstart Your Career Part 1

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From  Becky Sanchez 314 plays 0