Search for tag: "statistics"

2020 Jan 24, Why All Statistical Models Should be Spatial

Jay Ver Hoef, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Why all statistical models should be spatialThis talk will contain some philosophical musings on modeling data, and why I think that we…

From  Kathie Leck 28 plays 0  

BA 101 - Management/Leadership & Human Resource Management - Caughlin

+20 More
From  Stanton Heister 412 plays 0  

2019 Dec 6, Andrew Bridy, Yale University, Structure and randomness in functional graphs of polynomials over finite fields

Maseeh Mathematics + Statistics ColloquiumAndrew Bridy, Yale University Structure and randomness in functional graphs of polynomials over finite fieldsLet f be a polynomial with integer coefficients.…

From  Kathie Leck 49 plays 0  

2019 Nov 22, Jamie Juul, University of British Columbia, Arboreal Galois representations

Maseeh Mathematics + Statistics ColloquiumJamie Juul, University of British Columbia Arboreal Galois representationsThe main questions in arithmetic dynamics are motivated by analogous classical…

From  Kathie Leck 40 plays 0  

2019 Nov 15, Per-Olof Persson, University of California - Berkeley, High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Fluid and Solid Mechanics

Maseeh Mathematics + Statistics Colloquium Per-Olof Persson, University of California–Berkeley High-order discontinuous Galerkin methods for fluid and solid mechanics It is widely believed that…

From  Kathie Leck 143 plays 0  

2/18/2011 Part 2: Steven Schwager, Cornell University Censored Geometric Regression with Application to Human Subfertility

Part 2 Steven Schwager, Department of Biological Statistics and Computational Biology and Department of Statistical Science, Cornell UniversityCensored Geometric Regression with Application to Human…

From  Kathie Leck 7 plays 0  

1/21/2011, Samuel Kou, Harvard University Multi-resolution inference of stochastic models from partially observed data

Samuel Kou, Department of Statistics, Harvard University // inference of stochastic models from partially observed dataAbstract: Stochastic models,…

From  Kathie Leck 20 plays 0  

3/11/2011, Peter Hoff, University of Washington, Mean and covariance models for tensor-valued data

Peter Hoff, Department of Statistics and Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences, University of Washington // and covariance models for…

From  Kathie Leck 14 plays 0  

2/18/2011 Part 1: Steven Schwager, Cornell University, Censored Geometric Regression with Application to Human Subfertility

Steven Schwager, Department of Biological Statistics and Computational Biology and Department of Statistical Science, Cornell UniversityCensored Geometric Regression with Application to Human…

From  Kathie Leck 17 plays 0  

1/7/2011, Kenneth Stedman, Portland State University, The news from Mono Lake, where the conditions are extreme, the researchers are opinionated, and the microbes are all above average

Kenneth Stedman, Department of Biology, Portland State UniversityThe news from Mono Lake, where the conditions are extreme, the researchers are opinionated, and the microbes are all above…

From  Kathie Leck 4 plays 0  

2/4/2011 Maseeh Mathematics + Statistics Colloquium

Robert delMas, Department of Educational Psychology, University of MinnesotaA different flavor of introductory statistics: Teaching students to really cookAbstract: The NSF-funded CATALST project is…

From  Kathie Leck 2 plays 0  

11/18/2011, Mark Levi, Pennsylvania State University Bicycle tracks, the symplectic group and forced pendula

Mark Levi, Department of Mathematics, Pennsylvania State UniversityBicycle tracks, the symplectic group and forced pendulaAbstract: I will describe the above named objects and will describe a…

From  Kathie Leck 6 plays 0  

2018 Oct 19, Ksenija Simic-Muller, Pacific Lutheran University, Teaching Mathematics for Social Justice: the Promise and Practice

Ksenija Simic-Muller, Pacific Lutheran University Teaching mathematics for social justice: the promise and practice Teaching mathematics for social justice centers mathematics as a tool for…

From  Kathie Leck 21 plays 0  

10/28/2011, Bala Krishnamoorthy, Washington State University, Computational approaches for protein mutagenesis

Bala Krishnamoorthy, Department of Mathematics, Washington State UniversityComputational approaches for protein mutagenesisAbstract: Mutagenesis is the process of changing one or more amino acids…

From  Kathie Leck 1 plays 0  

2018 Oct 12, Meir Pachter, Air Force Institute of Technology Many-on-one pursuit

Meir Pachter, Air Force Institute of Technology Many-on-one pursuit We consider swarm pursuit-evasion dierential games in the Euclidean plane where an evader is engaged by multiple pursuers and…

From  Kathie Leck 25 plays 0  

11/4/2011, David Wright, Washington University, Mathematics and Music

David Wright, Department of Mathematics, Washington UniversityMathematics and MusicAbstract: Many people intuitively sense that there is a connection between mathematics and music. If nothing else,…

From  Kathie Leck 27 plays 0