Search for tag: "pieces"

Transforming Visual Art with 3-D Printing with Becky Emmert and Michael Cantino, Mobility Matters 2024

Becky Emmert is the head of accessibility at the Portland Art Museum. Michael Cantino is the Blind-technology specialist for Oregon's K12 schools, Northwest Regional Education Service District.

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From  Lillian Orrey 2 plays 0  

PHE 450_Lecture 6_720

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From  Lauralee Fernandez 1,328 plays 0  

Lyric Truth: Rosemarie Beck Symposium Video Highlights

Title: Lyric Truth: Rosemarie Beck Symposium Summary: Highlights of the Lyric Truth: Rosemarie Beck Symposium held at Lincoln Hall, Portland State University Date: March 5, 2015 Notes: See…

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From  Sherry Buchanan 35 plays 0