Search for tag: "art"

Transforming Visual Art with 3-D Printing with Becky Emmert and Michael Cantino, Mobility Matters 2024

Becky Emmert is the head of accessibility at the Portland Art Museum. Michael Cantino is the Blind-technology specialist for Oregon's K12 schools, Northwest Regional Education Service District.

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From  Lillian Orrey 3 plays 0  

PSU Equity Summit

PSU Equity Summit on October 30, 2020 This video is prepared for PSU's archival purposes to record the event. Please do not post this copy on social media systems without properly addressing,…

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From  Mark Walker 50 plays 0  

Memory Through Dark Glasses

Title: Memory Through Dark Glasses Summary: A meditation on the function of memory and art in the construction of identity. A boy tries to recollect an evening he had with a girl with whom he had…

+3 More
From  Karen Bjork 34 plays

Lyric Truth: Rosemarie Beck Symposium

Title: Lyric Truth: Rosemarie Beck Symposium Summary: The Lyric Truth: Rosemarie Beck Symposium held at Lincoln Hall, Portland State University Date: March 5, 2015 Notes: See PDXScholar for…

+21 More
From  Karen Bjork 33 plays 0  

Lyric Truth: Rosemarie Beck Symposium Video Highlights

Title: Lyric Truth: Rosemarie Beck Symposium Summary: Highlights of the Lyric Truth: Rosemarie Beck Symposium held at Lincoln Hall, Portland State University Date: March 5, 2015 Notes: See…

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From  Sherry Buchanan 35 plays 0