Title: Fragments (Winter 1966-67)
Summary: Truly, Portland is blessed by its site and scenery." "Fragments" shows contrasting views of the city of Portland, using the perspectives of two residents who live amidst and are affected by the city's burgeoning growth in the mid-sixties. The film explores the environmental, economic, and social effects of urban renewal, suburban expansion, mass transit, freeway development, proximity to natural areas, and industrial growth in Portland, and makes a case for the metro area's many governing bodies to work collaboratively to repair or avoid damages done by rapid urbanization.
Date: 1966
Distributor/Producer: Portland State University Archives, PSU Library
Notes: Produced by the Portland Center for Continuing Education (Oregon State System of Higher Education) for the Portland Metropolitan Study Commission
Credits: Produced by Andries Deinum ; film by Tom Taylor III ; with Geneva Stoller, Leo Foltz and Johnson Creek