Title: Albina Murals
Summary: Under the direction of the project's documentarian, Darryl Clegg, this film highlights the year-long collaboration among 7 local artists of color working to craft a community monument to African American history and includes scenes from the project's public dedication on February 10, 1978. The artists include Isaac (now Isaka) Shamsud-Din (mural painter/project director), Charles Tatum (sculptor/project assistant director), Henry Frison (mural painter), Chonita Henderson Smith (mural painter), Jenny Harada Allen (mural painter), and Larry Scott (assistant mural painter). The mural panels hung from 1978 till 1983 on the exterior walls of the Albina Human Resource Center in the heart of North Portland's Albina neighborhood. Unprotected and unmaintained, the deteriorating murals were eventually removed by the artists. They survive for public viewing only in photographic form and in this documentary.
Date: 2013
Producer/Distributor: Center for the Moving Image, Portland State University
Notes: Originally produced on color Super 8 in 1978.
Credits: Filmmakers: Christopher Bangs, Richard Caplan, Lon Fendors
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